My Year in a Nutshell
2011 was bittersweet for me in many ways. I had some ups and downs, each leveling out the other, to where I really can't say if it was a good year or bad. Some months were fabulous while others I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy.
She Has What?!
The beginning of the year marked a major change for my family when my then seven-year old was diagnosed with Type 1 (Juvenile) Diabetes. It was a shock to realize all those little symptoms I kept passing off as other things actually meant she has a major auto-immune disease. It was hard, but not impossible to deal with and we have made great progress.
On the writing front, I began the year with a new release and new blog group of authors offering free short stories. It was great while it lasted, but health issues and other commitments kept us from making it through the second round of free stories. The idea isn't dead yet and I may be able to rejoin at a later time but for now will be putting my energy elsewhere.
Hitting the Small Screen
February meant something entirely new for me when fellow author Delphine Dryden created my first ever book trailer for They Call Me Death. I was thrilled to see my story on screen in this new and intriguing way. There will be more to come as I finalize plans for a Day Shift book trailer as well.
You Win Some, You Lose Some
In March I had a great idea for a monthly blog post. Since there are already so many review blogs for books, I thought why not review characters instead? I took a book I'd read, chose a memorable character and gave my opinion on him/her. Then I gave the book away. The response was lackluster and honestly not worth my time. It only went on for six posts.
June rolled around and with it my Birthday Blog Tour. This was something I had in 2010 as well. However, this year's response wasn't nearly as big. I still had a great time celebrating my birthday month with my readers and hopping onto other blogs. I most likely will do it again in 2012.
Personally I received more disappointing news that wasn't exactly a shock. Being in a family of diabetics I know the signs. When I was diagnosed with Type 2, I wasn't too upset. My daughter was absolutely thrilled.
When it Rains, it Pours
My second EC release of the year happened on my birthday. That was a nice surprise and it did very well sales wise. However, the death of my grandfather in May still had a pall over my outlook on things. At that point it seemed I couldn't receive good news without getting bad in turn. I was almost afraid to answer the phone or read my emails.
The end of the summer brought major scheduling changes for my family and two books in the works.
In September I left my job of four years to be home for my daughters. This is something I'm still adjusting to though it has been wonderful. My fourth EC book came out in September with another great Jimmy Thomas cover. This novella was previously released through a different publisher. I was very happy with the changes and my readers appear to be too. Sales have been good.
And last but definitely not least came my vampire world. Reviews have been good for the most part with a couple of exceptions, but I'm happy with them overall. I love these characters and am already writing the sequel. This was a world I had considered for quite a while before finally giving into the voices demanding I make it real...on paper. Now I can sleep again.
So that was my year in a nutshell. A few ups, a few downs, a lot of in between. The holiday season has been wonderful and I have great expectations for 2012.
Random rambling thoughts and mutterings from Paranormal and Erotic Romance author Missy Jane. *Make reading a guilty pleasure...*
Saturday, December 31, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Christmas Week!!
Merry Christmas Week! I don't know about you, but this is one of my favorite times of the year. It's true that it's often hectic and a bit stressful, but once all the shopping, baking and cleaning is done the end result is well worth it. I sincerely hope every one of you have a fabulous week and joyous weekend. May you find yourself surrounded by good company and lots of joy.
This week I'll be guest blogging on Buffy Christopher's website. If you leave a comment you may walk away with a one-of-a-kind Missy Jane coffee mug. Not a coffee drinker? That's okay. It's great for tea and hot cocoa too.
After that I plan to laze around the house and hop online as the mood strikes me. I'm currently trying to coax a few characters into giving up their stories so I can submit something the first week of 2012. As it stands, Sean and Megan, Greg and Zaria as well as Zerach and Isadora are all rumbling around in my head. We'll see who wins the race to have their story finished first.
If you catch me on Twitter, Facebook, in the Coffee Time Romance and More forums, or anywhere else, be sure to say hi. You never know when I might have some extra Christmas gits to hand out!
This week I'll be guest blogging on Buffy Christopher's website. If you leave a comment you may walk away with a one-of-a-kind Missy Jane coffee mug. Not a coffee drinker? That's okay. It's great for tea and hot cocoa too.
After that I plan to laze around the house and hop online as the mood strikes me. I'm currently trying to coax a few characters into giving up their stories so I can submit something the first week of 2012. As it stands, Sean and Megan, Greg and Zaria as well as Zerach and Isadora are all rumbling around in my head. We'll see who wins the race to have their story finished first.
If you catch me on Twitter, Facebook, in the Coffee Time Romance and More forums, or anywhere else, be sure to say hi. You never know when I might have some extra Christmas gits to hand out!
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Book Fair, New York & Christmas Shopping
This past week was one of the longest of the year. I volunteered at my daughters' elementary school to help with the book fair. I've never done it before (and may not ever again) and had no clue how much work goes into those things. By Friday I was exhausted and ready to just lie down and die. Luckily it's now over and I can go back to my regularly scheduled craziness. I didn't buy a single thing for myself, though there were a few good adult titles and the newest Shel Silverstein and Christopher Paolini. However, my daughters spent a good portion of this months' royalties on these titles: Dragonworld: Secrets of the Dragon Domain, Darth Paper Strikes Back, Cake Pops: Tips, Tricks and Recipes for More Than 40 Irresistible Mini Treats and The Chronicles of Harris Burdick. If I could have picked any one book for myself, I think I would've chosen A Bad Kitty Christmas. I was wonderfully surprised by this charming and memorable book, and will be buying it at the soonest opportunity to read aloud on Christmas Eve.
As those of you following my Twitter feed or watching my Facebook wall may know, my second oldest daughter went to New York City last week...without me! She is a student at one of the greatest schools in the world. Not because of their curriculum, teaching staff or location. This school takes their kids on "field experiences" having to do with their chosen field of study, and my daughter is a drama student.Not only did she get to see Wicked on Broadway, she also met one of the choreographers who instructed her class on a dance routine. How cool is that? She brought back tons of photos and key chains for everyone. She also only spent half of the money I sent her with. I couldn't ask for a better daughter, but I'm never letting her go that far away from me again!
Now that the week is over, that doesn't mean I get to rest. I've already been to three different stores this morning to pick up Christmas presents ordered online last week. I'll be grocery shopping at some point in time and sneaking out to find a present for my husband. This may be the happiest time of the year but it's also the busiest. However, I LOVE it! The hardest part for me is not telling my girls what exactly is hiding beneath all that wrapping paper. We'll see if I can make it until the 25th.
So, that was my week in a nutshell. What have ya'll been up to?
As those of you following my Twitter feed or watching my Facebook wall may know, my second oldest daughter went to New York City last week...without me! She is a student at one of the greatest schools in the world. Not because of their curriculum, teaching staff or location. This school takes their kids on "field experiences" having to do with their chosen field of study, and my daughter is a drama student.Not only did she get to see Wicked on Broadway, she also met one of the choreographers who instructed her class on a dance routine. How cool is that? She brought back tons of photos and key chains for everyone. She also only spent half of the money I sent her with. I couldn't ask for a better daughter, but I'm never letting her go that far away from me again!
Now that the week is over, that doesn't mean I get to rest. I've already been to three different stores this morning to pick up Christmas presents ordered online last week. I'll be grocery shopping at some point in time and sneaking out to find a present for my husband. This may be the happiest time of the year but it's also the busiest. However, I LOVE it! The hardest part for me is not telling my girls what exactly is hiding beneath all that wrapping paper. We'll see if I can make it until the 25th.
So, that was my week in a nutshell. What have ya'll been up to?
Friday, December 2, 2011
'Cause I'm a Luuzerrrrr...
So another NaNoWriMo has come and gone and once again I DID NOT hit the 50,000 word goal. Le sigh. I'm disappointed in myself but realistic. Whenever I don't feel like writing, I simply can't make myself put words down. I tend to read as I write and edit along the way. I know that's not the point of NaNo, but it's how I write. I have to be in the zone, find my groove, feel my mojo working. Something. In November I had a gazillion things going on that had little to do with writing, plus a major release I did a piss-poor job of promoting. Somehow it still stayed on the publisher's top ten list for two weeks. (My readers rock!) But, to be completely honest, I was a terrible writer in November. At least, I had no discipline whatsoever in November. I'm going to try to be better this month, which won't take much, but with the holidays I don't have high hopes. My goal is to finish my NaNo project this month so I can submit it shortly after the first of the year. But honestly, it probably won't happen. I've also decided to be more realistic in my goals. I'm leaving that one because it's doable if I buckle down. Others are going to go by the wayside.
My hope for the rest of 2011 is to finish at least one MS. Hopefully it will be the sequel to Day Shift, but I have three I'm concentrating on. Other than that I'll be spending much needed quality time with my four girls and hardworking husband. If you don't see a lot of activity on this blog that will be why. However, if you keep seeing me on Twitter and Facebook, bitch at me to get back to writing. I'll need the ass-kicking at some point. ;-)
My hope for the rest of 2011 is to finish at least one MS. Hopefully it will be the sequel to Day Shift, but I have three I'm concentrating on. Other than that I'll be spending much needed quality time with my four girls and hardworking husband. If you don't see a lot of activity on this blog that will be why. However, if you keep seeing me on Twitter and Facebook, bitch at me to get back to writing. I'll need the ass-kicking at some point. ;-)
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Let Your Voice be Heard!
Are you an avid e-book reader? Have you just discovered they exist and are trying to navigate the complex world of e-readers? Whichever category you fall into, as a romance reader your opinion is highly prized by All Romance e-books. Help them out by clicking on the photo to the left and taking a quick survey.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
2011 100 Book Reading Challenge
Back in January I thought it would be fun to enroll in a couple of reading challenges. I'd never done one before and thought "What the hell?" 100 books in a year sounded like a lot to me back in January. Then I sat and considered my usual reading habits. Depending on the week, I can easily read a one standard paperback per day. In truth, a 200 book a year challenge may have been more feasible. But then I considered editing deadlines, holidays, vacations and NaNoWriMo, and knew 100 might be pushing it.
Well my blogger friends I am proud to say that this past week I did it! I reached and surpassed my goal of reading 100 books in 2011. In fact, I'm currently reading book number 102. I also have at least three more books lined up and one Stephen King book I've started but not finished.
So, you may be thinking "That's great, Missy. Maybe now you should stop reading and start writing." Umm, well you would be right. I'll admit my NaNoWriMo word count is a bit pitiful at the moment. However, there is one other thing I have to accomplish in 2011. You see, I also signed up for a Stephen King reading challenge and I'm sorely behind on that one...
Well my blogger friends I am proud to say that this past week I did it! I reached and surpassed my goal of reading 100 books in 2011. In fact, I'm currently reading book number 102. I also have at least three more books lined up and one Stephen King book I've started but not finished.
So, you may be thinking "That's great, Missy. Maybe now you should stop reading and start writing." Umm, well you would be right. I'll admit my NaNoWriMo word count is a bit pitiful at the moment. However, there is one other thing I have to accomplish in 2011. You see, I also signed up for a Stephen King reading challenge and I'm sorely behind on that one...
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Day Shift now Available!
It's here!!!!!
This may be the new release I've been the most excited about ever. It took a few years for me to decide to write vampires. Mostly because they're very overdone, but also because I was leery of writing a type of character with so many preconceived characteristics. One of the first things I decided was that mine would be different. I didn't want them to be dead or evil, allergic to garlic or the sun. I also think it's silly to pretend a vampire's bite won't hurt. And orgasmic? Yeah right.
So, here it is finally. My vampire world is now available as the novella Day Shift. I hope you like it ;-)
This may be the new release I've been the most excited about ever. It took a few years for me to decide to write vampires. Mostly because they're very overdone, but also because I was leery of writing a type of character with so many preconceived characteristics. One of the first things I decided was that mine would be different. I didn't want them to be dead or evil, allergic to garlic or the sun. I also think it's silly to pretend a vampire's bite won't hurt. And orgasmic? Yeah right.
So, here it is finally. My vampire world is now available as the novella Day Shift. I hope you like it ;-)
Monday, November 7, 2011
Readers n'Ritas!
This weekend, for the first time ever, I will be attending the Readers n'Ritas event in Allen, Texas. I'm SO excited! Not only will I be in the presence of greatness (Gena Showalter, Ann Aguirre, etc.) I'll get to meet some of my readers :-D
The authors were asked to provide either one prize to give away to someone at our table, or seven smaller prizes to give to each. I don't want anyone walking away from my table empty-handed. So, I created seven little coffins to celebrate the upcoming release of my vampire novella, Day Shift.
I had an absolute blast making and filling them. My only regret is that I didn't think to buy extras to giveaway online. :-(
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
NaNoWriMo Take Six!
If you're following even one writer on any of the social networking sites you most likely know what NaNoWriMo is by now. If not, here's the short version. November is National Novel Writing Month. So, to celebrate, people of all shapes and sizes attempt to complete a 50,000 word novel within the thirty days of November. Last year I decided against doing it because I hadn't "won" NaNo the five previous years I'd made the attempt. However, this year I have a definite story idea in mind and I'm giving it a go. It's actually just the incentive I need to get some words done. Lately I've concentrated on promo and playing online more than actually writing anything. Time to get back in the zone. So, if you're a NaNoer too, feel free to add me as a buddy. I'm listed as mjhmcginnis.
Good luck and Happy Writing!!
Good luck and Happy Writing!!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Diabetic Challenge Number...
Tomorrow is Halloween, which has never been a problem before in my seventeen years of motherhood...until now. My youngest is a type one diabetic, and this will be our first Halloween since that diagnosis. She made it through Valentine's Day as well as numerous birthdays over the past year. Tomorrow should be a piece of cake, right?
Luckily, we've learned a lot the past few months and I've always rationed out the candy anyway. I'm going to have to be a little stricter than before but that will just make the candy last longer. Of course, I'm not certain that's a good thing.
Aside from that, another issue is my own candy-eating habit. I was diagnosed with diabetes this year too. That means I can't stuff my face with everyone's chocolates when their backs are turned. Damn it! Oh well, so long as I get some candy corn all will be right in my world.
Happy Halloween everyone!!
Luckily, we've learned a lot the past few months and I've always rationed out the candy anyway. I'm going to have to be a little stricter than before but that will just make the candy last longer. Of course, I'm not certain that's a good thing.
Aside from that, another issue is my own candy-eating habit. I was diagnosed with diabetes this year too. That means I can't stuff my face with everyone's chocolates when their backs are turned. Damn it! Oh well, so long as I get some candy corn all will be right in my world.
Happy Halloween everyone!!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Why I'm Walking
Before January 11th of this year, I didn't know diddly squat about Juvenile (Type1) Diabetes. My mom has type 2 diabetes and I always suspected I would eventually be diagnosed with it as well (I was a few months ago), but Type 1 wasn't something I ever gave any thought to. I knew Nick Jonas has it, as well as a slew of other celebrities and a few sports figures. Imagine my surprise when my then seven year old was diagnosed as well.
My daughter Alice Jane has Juvenile Diabetes, and her diagnosis was a real eye-opener. Most moms will do anything to take away their children's aches and pains, but what do you do when you simply can't? The entire family has gotten much better at our eating habits. We ALL know how to read nutrition labels now. And, everyone does their part to ensure Alice takes her medicine every single day.
So, what else can we do? Not much really. There are still an amazing number of unknowns associated with this disease. And that brings me to the point of this blog. This weekend my family will be walking in the JDRF walk to raise funds for Type 1 diabetes research.
I know right now the economy sucks and extra money doesn't exactly exist. But, can you go one day this week without Starbucks? Can you not buy that e-book until next payday? (Even if it's mine?) All I'm asking for is one single dollar. Our team goal is only $500. I have almost that many Facebook friends and nearly double that followers on Twitter. So, the way I figured it is if everyone pitches in $1, meeting our goal should be no problem. What do you say? I really hope a cure is closer and this step helps.
My daughter Alice Jane has Juvenile Diabetes, and her diagnosis was a real eye-opener. Most moms will do anything to take away their children's aches and pains, but what do you do when you simply can't? The entire family has gotten much better at our eating habits. We ALL know how to read nutrition labels now. And, everyone does their part to ensure Alice takes her medicine every single day.
So, what else can we do? Not much really. There are still an amazing number of unknowns associated with this disease. And that brings me to the point of this blog. This weekend my family will be walking in the JDRF walk to raise funds for Type 1 diabetes research.
I know right now the economy sucks and extra money doesn't exactly exist. But, can you go one day this week without Starbucks? Can you not buy that e-book until next payday? (Even if it's mine?) All I'm asking for is one single dollar. Our team goal is only $500. I have almost that many Facebook friends and nearly double that followers on Twitter. So, the way I figured it is if everyone pitches in $1, meeting our goal should be no problem. What do you say? I really hope a cure is closer and this step helps.
Monday, October 3, 2011
Writing Update
Now that I'm home and have more time on my hands I expect to get a lot more writing done. Okay, it's been three weeks since I quit working and that hasn't exactly happened yet. However, now that I've rearranged my bedroom, cleaned out the linen closets, had a garage sale to get rid of the excess junk, and wrangled the laundry under control...well, I'm still not promising anything.
So what have I done as "Missy Jane" lately? I finished the second round of edits for Day Shift and I'm really excited about this book! It won't be out until November but that's okay. That will give me time to order new bookmarks and other promo items to celebrate the release.
Today I also finished a revision of my previously published short story, Love in Disguise. It was originally released by Sapphire Blue last November. I've subbed it elsewhere and will hopefully hear back on it soon.
Next, I have quite a few WIPs in the works. I've started Sean's story, from Two Week Trial, but that muse has taken a hiatus lately. From the two MS I just finished toying with I have other characters yelling at me too. A sequal to Day Shift is already floating around but not yet begun and a support character from Love in Disguise gets his own story too. I just have to lengthen it. If you liked my shape-shifters as much as I do (okay, really I LOVE them!) don't worry. Emily's and Lance's story is on hold for the moment, but Kotori's is still running through my head. His lady's name is Sanura and she is awesome!
That's it for now (isn't it enough?) but if you have any questions, comments, advice or complaints, feel free to shout 'em out below. :-)
So what have I done as "Missy Jane" lately? I finished the second round of edits for Day Shift and I'm really excited about this book! It won't be out until November but that's okay. That will give me time to order new bookmarks and other promo items to celebrate the release.
Today I also finished a revision of my previously published short story, Love in Disguise. It was originally released by Sapphire Blue last November. I've subbed it elsewhere and will hopefully hear back on it soon.
Next, I have quite a few WIPs in the works. I've started Sean's story, from Two Week Trial, but that muse has taken a hiatus lately. From the two MS I just finished toying with I have other characters yelling at me too. A sequal to Day Shift is already floating around but not yet begun and a support character from Love in Disguise gets his own story too. I just have to lengthen it. If you liked my shape-shifters as much as I do (okay, really I LOVE them!) don't worry. Emily's and Lance's story is on hold for the moment, but Kotori's is still running through my head. His lady's name is Sanura and she is awesome!
That's it for now (isn't it enough?) but if you have any questions, comments, advice or complaints, feel free to shout 'em out below. :-)
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Baking with My Daughter
My oldest daughter is a high school culinary student who aspires to one day own her own restaurant in either New York or Paris (yeah, she dreams BIG). I do everything I can to encourage her mania by buying up whatever gadgets catch her fancy at William-Sonoma and taking her to events like the Metropolitan Cooking & Entertaining Show when they come to Houston. I also encourage her by cooking alongside her, trying out different recipes and ingredients. HEB is our very favorite grocery store because of their cooking station where we can sample new things to buy.
When it comes to baking, one of my favorite dishes to make (and eat!) is quiche. I LOVE pies. Basically any type of pie, with very few exceptions, makes me happy. So, what better way to start the day than with a breakfast pie? If you're unfamiliar with quiche, that's basically what it is, an egg based breakfast pie.
First, start with fresh ingredients. I LOVE vegetables, so I usually load my quiche with all of my favorites like mushrooms and bell pepper. It also makes a pretty pie if you use multi-colored veggies.
Second, have your pie crust ready. I normally use frozen deep-dish crusts. This time I made my daughter use her mad skills to make one from scratch, and it was YUMMY!
Third, load up your veggies and sprinkle with cheese. I use either shredded or crumbles cheese, depending on what I've got on-hand. Cutting chunks also works but if they're too big you'll have cheese pockets in your slices. (that's okay if you really like cheese)
You can get creative with your veggie placement too, just be sure to add cheese all throughout the pie.
Fourth, add your eggs in. I usually scramble up about ten eggs to start and go from there. Depending on how much you've put in the shell, you may need more or less eggs. Of course, you can use egg whites or whatever egg substitute you might need.
Then bake! For my oven, I've found about 45 minutes at 450 degrees works best.
Like most baked goods, you'll know it's done when a toothpick poked through the center comes out clean. However, be wary of poking it through a cheese chunk, that might leave a residue.
And that's it in a nutshell. Enjoy!
When it comes to baking, one of my favorite dishes to make (and eat!) is quiche. I LOVE pies. Basically any type of pie, with very few exceptions, makes me happy. So, what better way to start the day than with a breakfast pie? If you're unfamiliar with quiche, that's basically what it is, an egg based breakfast pie.
First, start with fresh ingredients. I LOVE vegetables, so I usually load my quiche with all of my favorites like mushrooms and bell pepper. It also makes a pretty pie if you use multi-colored veggies.
Second, have your pie crust ready. I normally use frozen deep-dish crusts. This time I made my daughter use her mad skills to make one from scratch, and it was YUMMY!
Third, load up your veggies and sprinkle with cheese. I use either shredded or crumbles cheese, depending on what I've got on-hand. Cutting chunks also works but if they're too big you'll have cheese pockets in your slices. (that's okay if you really like cheese)
You can get creative with your veggie placement too, just be sure to add cheese all throughout the pie.
Fourth, add your eggs in. I usually scramble up about ten eggs to start and go from there. Depending on how much you've put in the shell, you may need more or less eggs. Of course, you can use egg whites or whatever egg substitute you might need.
Then bake! For my oven, I've found about 45 minutes at 450 degrees works best.
Like most baked goods, you'll know it's done when a toothpick poked through the center comes out clean. However, be wary of poking it through a cheese chunk, that might leave a residue.
And that's it in a nutshell. Enjoy!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Resignation Available Today!!!
It's here!! Today is the re-release day of my erotic novella, Resignation. Sol and Darina's story has a special place in my heart because it was the first erotic novella I ever had published. It's been re-edited with a couple new scenes that give more insight into the characters. And once again I have the delectable Jimmy Thomas on my cover. I hope ya'll like it!
times call for desperate measures, and Lynn Graves has already cut her
expenses to the bone. When an ad for a modeling job is brought to her
attention, she simply can’t refuse the quick money. But once she meets
the sexy photographer, it doesn’t seem so simple anymore.
Myers is in a bind. Short on time, he’s looking for the perfect body
since the face won’t matter. Now that he’s met Lynn, no one else will
do, but breaking down her inhibitions will take patience. And when she
gets under his skin, he’s desperate to have her luscious body under him…
But he doesn’t have long to ready his artistic photo exhibit and
convince Lynn she belongs in his bed. Hopefully in the end, she won’t be
afraid of a few erotic images.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Do You Know Vaughn R. Demont?
House of Stone
A modern knight, a noble quest, and a magical sword. What could go wrong?
Welcome to the City, where gods run nightclubs, goblins hire out as mercs,
sorcerers work their magic, the Fae hold court over every neighborhood…and humanity is blissfully ignorant of it all. For minor Fae noble Richard Stone, life is going well. He has a decent fiefdom (okay, it’s a slum), a budding acting career (okay, so it’s porn), and one of only five magical swords in the City. An arranged
marriage is barely a blip on his worry meter—until his family blade loses its magic. The shame of it puts his noble standing in jeopardy. To regain his status, Richard needs help. Fortunately, his new bride is a sidhe knight and his servant Simaron has, er, his back. Together they embark on a quest to find the demon who slew his father, investigate a conspiracy that goes to the highest echelons of Fae nobility, and discover a secret family legacy that could ruin his House. All while keeping up appearances to a society that demands perfection. And they say a noble’s life is easy…
Warning: This book contains explicit gay sex, not-so-explicit gay sex, explicitly implied gay sex, routine breaking of the fourth wall, occasional bouts of Pearl Jam fanboy-ism, and plot. Side effects include confusion and headaches, and are best avoided by reading the pages therein in numerical order.
Coyote's Creed: Broken Mirrors Book 1
Always have an ace up your sleeve.
If con games were taught in high school, Spencer Crain would be on the honor roll. As it is, he’ll be riding the edge of failure to graduation next month. Then Spence gets the news that his long-gone father is not
only dead, but was a Coyote, one of three clans of tricksters in the City.
With a near-catatonic mother on his hands, Spence couldn’t care less about the Coyotes’ ongoing feud with the Phouka and the Kitsune—until it lands on his doorstep. Suddenly he’s thrown headfirst into a dangerous
world he knows next-to-nothing about. His only guide is Rourke, dashing King of the Phouka, plus a growing pack of half-siblings, a god, and Fate herself.
As Spence embarks on a journey to learn the Coyote’s creed, the truth about his heritage, and how to handle his growing attraction to Rourke, he wonders when his life turned from TV sitcom to real-life danger zone. And what price must he pay to survive the next roll of the dice…
Product WarningsContains PG-13 rated violence, R-rated language and X-rated hotel scenes.
Meta-humor, pop-culture humor, utter disregard for the 4th wall abound.
Vaughn R. Demont. Writer, gamer, waffle-addict.
A modern knight, a noble quest, and a magical sword. What could go wrong?
Welcome to the City, where gods run nightclubs, goblins hire out as mercs,
sorcerers work their magic, the Fae hold court over every neighborhood…and humanity is blissfully ignorant of it all. For minor Fae noble Richard Stone, life is going well. He has a decent fiefdom (okay, it’s a slum), a budding acting career (okay, so it’s porn), and one of only five magical swords in the City. An arranged
marriage is barely a blip on his worry meter—until his family blade loses its magic. The shame of it puts his noble standing in jeopardy. To regain his status, Richard needs help. Fortunately, his new bride is a sidhe knight and his servant Simaron has, er, his back. Together they embark on a quest to find the demon who slew his father, investigate a conspiracy that goes to the highest echelons of Fae nobility, and discover a secret family legacy that could ruin his House. All while keeping up appearances to a society that demands perfection. And they say a noble’s life is easy…
Warning: This book contains explicit gay sex, not-so-explicit gay sex, explicitly implied gay sex, routine breaking of the fourth wall, occasional bouts of Pearl Jam fanboy-ism, and plot. Side effects include confusion and headaches, and are best avoided by reading the pages therein in numerical order.
Coyote's Creed: Broken Mirrors Book 1
Always have an ace up your sleeve.
If con games were taught in high school, Spencer Crain would be on the honor roll. As it is, he’ll be riding the edge of failure to graduation next month. Then Spence gets the news that his long-gone father is not
only dead, but was a Coyote, one of three clans of tricksters in the City.
With a near-catatonic mother on his hands, Spence couldn’t care less about the Coyotes’ ongoing feud with the Phouka and the Kitsune—until it lands on his doorstep. Suddenly he’s thrown headfirst into a dangerous
world he knows next-to-nothing about. His only guide is Rourke, dashing King of the Phouka, plus a growing pack of half-siblings, a god, and Fate herself.
As Spence embarks on a journey to learn the Coyote’s creed, the truth about his heritage, and how to handle his growing attraction to Rourke, he wonders when his life turned from TV sitcom to real-life danger zone. And what price must he pay to survive the next roll of the dice…
Product WarningsContains PG-13 rated violence, R-rated language and X-rated hotel scenes.
Meta-humor, pop-culture humor, utter disregard for the 4th wall abound.
Vaughn R. Demont. Writer, gamer, waffle-addict.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Pet Peeves and Aggravations
I'm not usually quick to anger. For the most part I consider myself pretty laid-back and patient when it comes to most things. However, as a reader and an author there are a few things that really tick me off because they can be so easily avoided or fixed. The following is a little bit of a rant that is general and not intended to call out anyone in particular. I'm just in one of those moods.
First off, as a reader I like to win things as much as the next person. I like to read blogs and am willing to jump through hoops to enter a contest if the prize is right. Why in the hell would anyone begin a contest, promotion, etc, right before a major life event? Moving, getting married, expecting a baby? How about you wait a few weeks and do all your promo stuff after? Not only does this make more sense in your schedule, your readers don't suffer the wait while you get your shit together. Now, I completely understand life happens and doesn't necessarily give a damn about anyone's schedule. However, when you already know big stuff is coming your way that will take all of your time and attention, don't start something where readers or authors will be waiting on you to finish.
Second, get the facts straight and update. While thinning out my bookshelves over the past couple of weeks I made a master list of the series I'm currently reading. I have quite a few auto-follow authors I love to read. In order to be sure of reading order and to know if I had all the books I visited many author's sites for confirmation. Boy was I shocked to realize not everyone keeps their site updated on a regular basis. Is it really that hard and time-consuming? Well yeah, it can be. But two years?! For one I had to go to the publisher's site to learn the two newest book release titles. Not only is that inconvenient for the reader, it makes no sense for an author to cripple her/himself that way. Trust me, if I can figure out how to keep my site updated weekly, anyone can do it. I'm so NOT tech savvy.
Third, and kind of related to the rant above, check your facts. It's really embarrassing and humiliating to have an author's name misspelled on a site. God forbid you do that on your own site, but I've seen it. If you expect an author to promote the event you've worked so hard on, take the time to triple check your spelling and links. Be sure your using the right name/pen name and book title(s) as well. This might seem common sense, but I've seen it.
And last, but certainly not least, authors and bloggers if you ask for feedback, don't ignore it. I can attest that blog comments are precious and appreciated, so why would you monitor all of them only to blatantly ignore any that aren't spam? If you don't think it fits the topic or is inappropriate, take a few seconds to respond to that person directly. No one likes to be ignored even for something so small and you may lose a reader for life.
Okay I'm done. Have a great day :-)
First off, as a reader I like to win things as much as the next person. I like to read blogs and am willing to jump through hoops to enter a contest if the prize is right. Why in the hell would anyone begin a contest, promotion, etc, right before a major life event? Moving, getting married, expecting a baby? How about you wait a few weeks and do all your promo stuff after? Not only does this make more sense in your schedule, your readers don't suffer the wait while you get your shit together. Now, I completely understand life happens and doesn't necessarily give a damn about anyone's schedule. However, when you already know big stuff is coming your way that will take all of your time and attention, don't start something where readers or authors will be waiting on you to finish.
Second, get the facts straight and update. While thinning out my bookshelves over the past couple of weeks I made a master list of the series I'm currently reading. I have quite a few auto-follow authors I love to read. In order to be sure of reading order and to know if I had all the books I visited many author's sites for confirmation. Boy was I shocked to realize not everyone keeps their site updated on a regular basis. Is it really that hard and time-consuming? Well yeah, it can be. But two years?! For one I had to go to the publisher's site to learn the two newest book release titles. Not only is that inconvenient for the reader, it makes no sense for an author to cripple her/himself that way. Trust me, if I can figure out how to keep my site updated weekly, anyone can do it. I'm so NOT tech savvy.
Third, and kind of related to the rant above, check your facts. It's really embarrassing and humiliating to have an author's name misspelled on a site. God forbid you do that on your own site, but I've seen it. If you expect an author to promote the event you've worked so hard on, take the time to triple check your spelling and links. Be sure your using the right name/pen name and book title(s) as well. This might seem common sense, but I've seen it.
And last, but certainly not least, authors and bloggers if you ask for feedback, don't ignore it. I can attest that blog comments are precious and appreciated, so why would you monitor all of them only to blatantly ignore any that aren't spam? If you don't think it fits the topic or is inappropriate, take a few seconds to respond to that person directly. No one likes to be ignored even for something so small and you may lose a reader for life.
Okay I'm done. Have a great day :-)
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Back to Smut Celebration and Giveaway!
This week I'm participating in the Sizzling Hot Book Reviews' Back to Smut celebration. The kids are back in school, so mommy and daddy can get back to reading the smut we love so much without curious little eyes in the way.
Leave a comment on my post about Erotic Images to win a copy!
Leave a comment on my post about Erotic Images to win a copy!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I Walk Away
Back in 2006 I started writing a series of short stories as ideas and characters popped into my head. Most times it was a vague scene I had to flesh out on paper that finally turned into something readable. Below is one such snippet that I found while rearranging my office. I've edited it a bit but for the most part this is how I wrote at that time. Enjoy!
Each step I took away from his door was slow and deliberate, as if the sound of my footsteps might trigger within him a desire to keep me at all costs.
"This is it," he said.
The raw emotion in his voice announced the finality of that statement. We'd spent ten wonderful months together, but now it was completely over. I didn't bother arguing or asking any tearful questions. I already knew why and knew there would be no second chances. She had won and didn't matter what I did to or for him. He would always want her more.
I'd met Daniel at my sister's annual Fourth of July picnic and we spent the entire day flirting. I'd been single for over a year but he was newly separated from his wife of five years.
"We just couldn't work it out," he'd said.
I did my best not to pry into his past. I wanted him to forget about it, forget about her, and move on in my general direction.It has been a long time since a sexy guy like him had shown a genuine interest in what I had to offer. I was more than excited. I was lustful.
We kissed beneath the fireworks and he explored my body with a sense of apprehension. I felt the hesitation as his hands moved over me. I remember thinking, it's the memory of his wife. At the time I actually found it endearing. His face betrayed his guilt as he undressed me, but it didn't slow him down.Once I began peeling off his clothes all else faded away. It felt so good having a man inside me again, I didn't consider the consequences.Each thrust held an urgency in him that added to my pleasure, but almost seemed to cause him pain. He came quickly and collapsed on top of me in drunken exhaustion.
"Are you all right?" I asked, not particularly concerned with the answer.
He simply nodded, and I realized he was crying.
Thinking back on it, I realize his tears are what sealed my fate. I simply couldn't let him go with such a guilty heart. I held him for a while as the fireworks continued overhead. We remained hidden amongst the blooms within my sister's vast gardens. When the last sparkle faded from the sky and darkness finally returned, we dressed slowly and didn't face each other for long moments.
"I enjoyed that," he finally said.
"So did I, but perhaps we should try a bed next time," I said with a smile.
The relief on his face almost made me laugh. He agreed and followed me home in his own car.
The next two hours were spent in such pleasure, even thinking about it now gets me hot. His strong hands moved slowly over my sweat-dampened skin as I lay panting and begging for more.
"Please, please, don't stop," I said...more than once.
He complied by running his tongue up my stomach and between my breasts. I grabbed his hips in both hands, impatient for his erection as he playfully teased my throbbing lips with the tip.
"Please, please..."
I begged for it. I cried for it. Finally I screamed for it and he thrust into me almost violently. I climaxed instantly and he moaned.
"Oh, you are so fucking sexy."
It was the only time he ever called me that.
Sex was always so good with him. I'd never had an orgasm every time with any man before and probably never will again. Is that what I'll miss the most? Perhaps. Or maybe it'll be the way he would wake me by kissing the tip of my nose. Maybe it'll be the flowers he brought every time he came to my apartment. Perhaps it'll be his scent on my pillow. I don't know. Time has a funny way of twisting things sometimes so the memory of what I liked most turned into what I began to hate. He will always be there though, in the back of my mind, calling to my heart despite my efforts to silence him. No matter how quickly I walk away, or how far I go from his doorstep, I'll always want him. I will always know that for a brief time, I was the other woman.
I Walk Away
Copyright August 24, 2011, MISSY JANE
This is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not construed to be real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locale or organizations is entirely incidental.
All rights are reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief excerpts or quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Editing this Weekend
What are ya'll up to this weekend? Me? I'll be starting my first round of edits for the new version of Resignation. What do you think of the new cover? I LOVE it! To be honest I loved the first cover put on this novella by the previous publisher too, but something about this one just really pops. If you previously purchased Resignation when it was released by Sapphire Blue you may notice a few changes in the manuscript. All of the main parts are there, but I fleshed out a couple of scenes I hope help the chemistry between Sol and Darina feel even more natural than before. I don't have the blurb or release date yet, but as soon as I do you'll be the first to know ;-)
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Introducing My Vampires
I know I've been threatening for almost a year now, but the waiting is nearly over. I will soon begin edits on my first vampire novella, to be published through Samhain in the Fall. If you visit my site there is a little bit of info on the characters. I promise to post the blurb as soon as I get the go ahead to do so.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Here I Am!
My apologies for staying offline the past couple of weeks. I've been checking in here and there, but nothing like my usual daily worship of the online social networks. With school right around the corner for my little ones, this probably won't change for a few more weeks. However, I have one guest post planned in late August over at the Mind Readers blog. I'll post more info as the date draws nearer.
Take care and talk to you again soon!
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