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Thursday, January 2, 2025

Hello 2025


Happy New Year! Today is day two of 2025 and I've added about 900 words to Loving a Demon: Archangels Book 4. It's not much, but my writing days have been very slow-going lately. I'm hoping for some inspiration as I, a verified pantser, try to figure out what these characters are doing. I'm sure Iris and Uri want their story written as badly as I do. I know Sel and Lily are waiting impatiently in the wings. I already wrote the first scene for their book. Gabe and Mike have also started rumbling in the back of my mind. So, in short, these Archangels want to be DONE.

I haven't begun another Gargoyle Masters book yet, but Sakhr is ready to be up and about. I'm hopeful you'll get to read his story by the end of the year. 

Anyone who sees me in person will have the chance to purchase a print copy of Erotic Arts Book 1. This book includes both of my Erotic Arts novellas: Erotic Images and Erotic Influence. I've started writing a third book and plan a fourth, so there will be a second print book in the future.

On the personal side, back in the summer of 2022 we made a BIG move from Houston to the San Antonio area. I gotta admit, it hit me pretty hard to leave my beloved Houston. I'd lived there my entire 47 years and hadn't planned to ever leave. But circumstances with my family dictated that moving closer to my mom would be wise. At the beginning of 2024 she moved into the house we shared with three of our adult children. Needing more room, hubby and I moved into an apartment. Two of the kids decided to flee the nest (again) so hubby and I will be moving back into the house in a couple of weeks. LOTS of chaos and change in my life right now.

Back to my books: Another release this year will be my first published book They Call Me Death. It was originally released in 2009, then re-edited, re-covered, and re-released in 2016. I had briefly toyed with the idea of completely rewriting it in third-person POV. However, book two is already done in first-person, as well as the first half of book three. It didn't make sense to me to have book one as a different POV and I don't think I have it in me to rewrite all three books right now...or ever probably. Writing is more than a hobby but less than a job for me. I don't write to make money, and sometimes the characters go quiet. So, I've learned not to force it.

   2009 cover


  2016 cover


  2025 cover

I plan to reread it and make sure I'm still happy with it overall before letting it out into the world again. But, that will be after I finish Loving a Demon. Since book two is also finished, I might have that one out in 2025 as well.

I will also be traveling a bit in 2025. There will be two events in February (Houston and Kansas City), one in May (Las Vegas), a virtual one in July, and my usual visit to Canton in December. I'm waiting to hear back from two events in Denton in the Spring as well. If there's an event in your area you would like me to attend, please feel free to put in the comments, or email me at

Happy 2025! I hope you have all you hope to have, accomplish all you hope to accomplish, and feel loved and appreciated all year long.