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Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013: Let's Do This!

Are you ready for a whole new year? I think I am. I've already got quite a bit planned. My driver's license expires this year, my oldest graduates from high school, and I want to publish more books than I have to date. We'll see how far I get.

Usually I write a list of resolutions. I think this time I'm going to call them goals instead.
  1. So far I've never published more than three books in a year. My goal for 2013 is one per quarter. So that would be four total.
  2. I did pretty well last year as far as eating better and starting a walking regiment, but I seriously slacked off in December. My goal is to walk at least a mile a day during the week and cut down on the sweets. Yes, even chocolate (shudders).
  3. I surpassed my reading goal in 2011 of 100 books, but fell short in 2012 of 150. I'm going to split the difference and set this year's goal at 225. However, I'm going to step outside of my comfort zone this year and split that total up into more than just Romance.
  4. Like many writers and social media junkies I spend most of my time at my computer. I really need to step out into the fresh air more. My goal is to take my girls to the park at least once a week, or at least play around with them in the backyard. Believe it or not, this will most likely be my hardest goal.
Do you have any 2013 goals or resolutions? Let's hear them. Come on, don't be shy!

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